Friday, May 17, 2013

On to Brannan Island

We left the ranch and headed 45 minutes down Highway 12 to Highway 160, and then Brannan Island State Park.  Our campsite is very nice, right on the edge of the San Joaquin River just before it joins the Sacramento.  Just behind our RV is the above view, which I can see from my sleeping compartment.

The czmpground is pretty, and we re-named the two camping loops from Cottonwood and Willow to Squirrel Loop (ours) and Jack Rabbit Loop (the next one) due to the abundance of those critters.  A nice paved walking trail wanders through the park, passing by the visitor center (closed), which had the display below:

The next day we went to Suisun and searched Grizzly Island for a sign of the Tule Elk.  Although we say several very wary ducks in the wetlands, we saw no sign of the Elk, who apparently hang out in the uplands, and the roads to the uplands were all closed off.  It seems Grizzly Island Preserve is more a hunting area, and less multiple use for hikers.  Below are the closest things we saw to Elk:

After leaving the Grizzly Island area, we headed into Fairfield to tour the Jelly Belly factory. 

There, I ran into Tom Honer from Mendocino (small world!) who was going to a meeting.  Jennifer and Tim Bosma were with him.  After the very interesting tour, Lizzie and I shopped in the store and bought way more than we needed, but fulfilled Laura's order for particular jelly beans. Afterwards, we lunched there, having jelly bean shaped hamburgers.  Too cute.

We took several side roads on the way back, including the one toward the Shiloh Church--very pretty and located where no other buildings could be seen.  It was past the Church that we actually encountered the burros pictured above, who were next to a field of goats.

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