Friday, May 4, 2012

End of the Trip

It was windy again in Carson City last night, and a lady in Virginia City told us it was windy every day in Nevada.  Perhaps so, or perhaps we are experiencing March winds since the trees and flowers that are blooming in Nevada now are the same ones that bloomed in March for us at home.

Virginia City is a pretty town, with many historical buildings dating back to the mid 1800s.  Wooden sidewalks line the main street, which is crossed by very steep side streets.  The main street is full of little shops--kind of a cross between Sierra City and Columbia in the mother lode.  We helped the economy along with our lunch out (excellent) and the several bags we carried back to the car with our purchased treasures.

The last night in Carson City was a quiet one, and we breakfasted out there this morning before hitting the road back along highway 50 to 395 to 88, and home.

The walmut ranch has changed since we left--the asparagus which had been harvested and showed just tiny stumps right before we left was pretty much back up and leafed out, so no more asparagus for the season.  The walnut leaves are fully leafed out, but still very thin and new looking.  The cherries are turning pink, but not ripe yet.  The orange tree, which just gave up the last of its fruit, is in full bloom--smelling sweetly from thirty feet away.

The roses have also opened and are in full bloom, including the red Lincoln rose, below.
Tomorrow I go to Santa Rosa EARLY to participate in the Human Race, then back here to get the trailer for the trip home on Sunday.  Our late April trip is now officially at an end.

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