We arrived near the state legislature building--a remarkable structure in its own right--and easily found our way to the Palace. The only royal palace in US soil, the 'Iolani Palace has beencarefully restored to represent its height at the turn of the century in 1900. One of our favorite rooms was the music room:
Our self guided tour lasted slightly over an hour, after which we sought lunch at the nearby YMCA Cafe Julia, named after Julia Morgan the architect of Hearst Castle fame, as well as Benbow Inn. It was a great lunch and an exquisite building, dedicated as a YMCA in 1923.
We returned back to our hotel, again on Bus No. 2, with ease.
Our flight the next day was later in the afternoon, so we were unhurried as we gathered our stuff for the flight to Kaua'i.
On arrival, renting the car was slick, and finding the condo at Alii Kai in Princeville straightforward--we shopped at Foodland and were settled in nicely for the evening.
The next day, Sunday, we went to the historic church in Hanalei for services, returning to the town later that afternoon for a slack key concert. By then, I was beginning to feel a little ill--perhaps my sinus infection was getting the best iof me.
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