The flag is hanging off the porch, the dog is sleeping in the sun, and Laura is working a puzzle. Today, I will put the gravel in the pits for my garden entries, then go into town for the parade and help with selling Rotary hot dogs at the old fire house.
My Cousin Gary cleaned up the workshop, and it looks really nice ag
ain. I plan to organize the tools this summer, and update the list of tool locations.
Everyone likes the doodlebug tractor where it has been placed.
The garden is finally in down below, the latest I've ever planted, but I was doing bed reconstruction, so that is my excuse.
No ducks on the pond anymore, so the dogs are allowed back down there to swim. Good thing, too, as it is very warm and they were happy to swim yesterday.
My Cousin Gary cleaned up the workshop, and it looks really nice ag

Everyone likes the doodlebug tractor where it has been placed.
The garden is finally in down below, the latest I've ever planted, but I was doing bed reconstruction, so that is my excuse.
No ducks on the pond anymore, so the dogs are allowed back down there to swim. Good thing, too, as it is very warm and they were happy to swim yesterday.
Please post a picture of the infamous tractor. We forgot to take a picture after we moved it :-(